Dylan Chan Oak was raised by Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge on December 8, 2022 as a courtesy to San Dimas Lodge
 Dylan Oak 3rd
Dylan with friend from San Dimas Lodge

Rian Bowman was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Mason on September 22, 2022
Rian Bowman 2nd

Bee Her was Initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason on September 1, 2022

Bee Herr first

Dylan Chan Oak was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on August 25, 2022
Dylan Chan Oak 2nd

Benny Michael Contreras was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on March 24, 2022
Benny Contreras 2nd

Benny Michael Contreras was initiated on November 11, 2021.
Benny Contreras EA
Benny Contreras and Josh Harmon

Gary William Frey (no relation to our PM) was initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason on September 2, 2021.
Gary Frey first

On July 29, 2021, Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge passed Brother Daniel Valdez to the degree of Fellowcraft. 

 Chris Valdez 2nd 

On January 14, 2021 Las Palmas-Ponderosa Lodge held a virtual Installation of Officers due to close down created by the Covid-19 Pandemic.
2021 virtual iinstall

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